But versions are available on Kindle or other E-readers if that's your thing. I can't seem to find the article though, could anyone refer me to the novel? I want more Ellie, I want more Riley, I want more Marlene and this gave me all of that!!

Was cool seeing references from the mini-spinoff game.Excellent both as a comic and a tie-in to the game. I much prefered the Last of Us Artbook, if you are a fan of the game I would recommend the Art book and would rate this as only OK. The story is good too, it's nice to see how Ellie and Riley were before anything very bad happened to them. But when she spies spunky Riley sneaking out one night, she follows her into the outside world and meets the Fireflies, a vigilante group protecting citizens from heartless soldiers and hungry hordes of the infected (yes, zombies). I picked it up because I am a fan of Hicks as storyteller of strong girl stories, usually with humor and because I like what she does to make her stories especially accessible for young girl readers. For this one, and quite a few others, half the fun has been finding out what the story was about without any expectations telling me ITo be honest, I doubt anyone would have the same experience reading this comic that I did; very few people are going to walk into a book store and randomly pick up the first trade that they come across, but that is effectively how this works for me. Marvel's Spider-Man: Velocity Essential for any fan of The Last Of Us that has also played the brilliant Left Behind dlc. However, this is part of the original printing and is in "News stand" format.

Yeah, yeah, don't try to convert me I'm not interested. The story shows Ellie's life in military school and how she met Riley. Great art style. Cute little story that ties in well to the game. The artwork is great and fits the story type very well. In that story, Ellie speaks briefly about Riley and what happened to them. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App.

Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of this comic i have been meaning to read for sometime and i have played the naughty dog playstation game that i absolutely loved and enjoyed playing. So when I'm not reading comics, I'm playing video games and The Last of Us certainly is a classic in the zombie game genre. The Last of Us Part II Guide Book: Walkthrough, Tips, Tricks And A Lot More! Have only recently become a fan of this series but I can't get enough of EVERYTHING to do with it. The Last of Us Part II - PlayStation 4 Collector's Edition

Please try again. This is advertised as a prequel for Druckmann's game The Last of Us. (Though back in PS2 days it was a whole different story...)This is a short graphic novel about two girls in an infected/post-ap world. I loved getting another view of Ellie and how she grew up. Nineteen years ago, a parasitic fungal outbreak killed the majority of the world's population, forcing survivors into a handful of quarantine zones. I brought this as a present and so far they absolutely love it, however the book did come damaged but i was able to get a return without any hassle. Verified Purchase. Avatar: The Last Airbender--Imbalance Library Edition I aint playin' the game, though, sorry.To be honest, I doubt anyone would have the same experience reading this comic that I did; very few people are going to walk into a book store and randomly pick up the first trade that they come across, but that is effectively how this works for me.

It was fine I guess! In that story, Ellie speaks briefly about Riley and what happened to them. Funko Pop!

It does give a little bit of background to the Left Behind DLC, but nothing so significant or ground breaking that you couldn't derive it from the DLC alone. Faith Erin Hicks (Author, Illustrator) › Visit Amazon's Faith Erin Hicks Page. And Riley's determination for something more, coupled with her desperation, gave her a, if not the most original, well-rounded personality. So Riley and Ellie are both really engaging characters, and they develop a strong relationship.

Hello, I would really like to clarify something as many people were left unfulfilled after reading the graphic novels of "The Last of Us: American Dreams".

Adds great backstory and character development to Ellie. Over the last few years I've read quite a few comic book tie-ins for films, TV and games, as more creators increasingly look to use the medium as a distinctive and cheaper way of telling new stories (especially prequel tales, like TLoU: American Dreams) from a fictional universe rather than simply adapting the story we already know (a practice referred to as transmedia storytelling by the industry and 'aca-fan' Henry Jenkins). This is for you. But don't get to sucked in getting number 2 in a paperback is next to impossible and really expensive. The story and characters are mostly reacurring from the game but that's okay because they stay great. Beyond the walls of the regimented civil order they know, Ellie and Riley are soon confronted with the violent way of life of the insurgent group the Fireflies--and with the monstrous victims of infection!

After the brutal violence she witnesses by the Fireflies, Riley decides that joining the group might not be in her best interest after all. In it, young Ellie is sent to a military school/orphanage and meets up with a young rebel Riley. CAUTION to parents of younger children. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Although she'd know Riley for less than a day, I could get why Ellie decided to follow her without second thoughts. Winston!

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