support. Talk tries to establish a direct peer-to-peer (P2P) connection, thus on connections throughout the local network (behind a NAT/router), clients do not only need to know each others public IP, but their local IP … If you assurred coTURN is up and the TURN server test on Nextcloud admin panel succeeds (so is configures correctly as well), I would do some own test from outside the local server network. @sats17 @canopusgituser @choxx. To make Nextcloud’s data persistent while upgrading, and get access to backups, we use a named Docker volume nextcloud, similar to the way we used a Docker volume named db for the MariaDB data. I think this belongs to the server app and not the client app where it is a bit confusing/difficult to find actually.spreed - Nextcloud Talk - Chat, Video & audio calls for NextcloudJep indeed, this should be (as well) added to the server app repo.I will add a PR to put this guide into their GitHub wiki and/or a related hint to the the other hand I am just thinking that, if the full text is added to forum, Android app and server app repo, perhaps I think it should stay with the repo of the Nextcloud app. TURN-Server betrieben werden. Here is where it gets different for both Ubuntu and Debian:Now execute the following command to install Docker CE:You can also use a one-line install script for Docker.

i can send text messages in the call window. Nextcloud Talk will try direct P2P in the first place, use STUN if needed and TURN as last resort fallback. In a previous tutorial, we discussed how to install Spreed WebRTC server and how to integrate Spreed WebRTC with NextCloud.. I know the problems is NAT. my “config” -> Talk (turnserver) in a docker container? So get there now…Next, we add the GPG keys, Docker repositories and finally install Docker. I DID EVERYTHING IN THIS ARTICLE AND TRIED EVERY POSSIBLE CONFIGURATION AND I STILL GET BLACK SCREEN WHEN CALLING FROM A DIFFERENT NETWORK.nice Article, thx! (i know. Zunächst muss – falls noch nicht geschehen – die App Talk aus dem Nextcloud App Store heruntergeladen werden.
When the default TURN server is installed, you will now be asked to install the Talk Signaling Server as well, which is what makes the magic happen. Using default Nextcloud STUN server for now. Using the turn-server does not give a positive (any) resultStruggling with Talk: reliability not accomplished on my installationNextcloud, Talk, TURN-Server, coTurn, Ports, StratoNeed help to setup TURN server in Docker for Synology NAS Eine Zusammenarbeit in Teams ist auf diese Weise effizient … Enter your chosen admin username and password. Right now this will run on Ubuntu 18/20, Debian 9/10, CentOS 7, Amazon Linux 2, VMWare Photon OS The playbook runs on x86_64 and ARM (64) servers. Download and install# The Nextcloud Video Calls app contains a WebRTC-based server called spreed. In order to have full STUN/TURN server functionality it’s even required to have two public IP addresses.Next enable coturn as service (use the editor of your choice):Now uncomment the last line, save and close the file:We will have a look at the config file of Coturn. try video call from home to HQ (if the coTURN server is located there) and check the logs from coTURN if it actually receives and handles the requests, so that the local network part is assured to be setup … Nun kann Nextcloud Talk mit dem eigenen STUN bzw. firewall. My goal is to get a coturn server docker image to work on my Synology NAS so I should need the following:IMHO you should only modify the neccesarry ip addresses in /etc/turnserver.conf and set the config in your internal nextcloud setup.
Use your bonus to add backups, discount your renewal or add a new server, super cheap. Jetzt anmelden! Alle Infos… NETWAYS Webinare 3.0 und Kubernetes mit Thomas-Krenn

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