You can enable coordinates when you create a world (Bedrock), and either make your way over to the spot or use the /teleport command!This is a pretty cool seed because there's this great looking savanna village that is overlapped with a dark oak forest biome. There's a nearby Haunted Village you can head over to, and there's a Desert Village you can find as well. There’s been a lot of updates added to Minecraft so going to something that feels bit old school like a jungle village setting may me appealing.

Of course, there’s mooshrooms, mycelium and al that you’d expect from the rare biome. If you are using a previous or more updated version of the game, it might sometimes appear differently in your world! If you want more variety, then make sure to select a seed that has a lot of biomes in a small area.You will now see version numbers listed on each of the below seeds.

Search the best Minecraft seed codes for PC, Pocket Edition, Consoles, and more. There's a ton of mines in the mesa area, you can find a spider spawner exposed as well.If you decide to go away from spawn across the ocean, you'll find a pretty nice savanna island with a couple of exposed shipwrecks to explore!Wow, this is a great seed to start out on! You can see it using a night vision potion if you go out by the dock area.Of course, if you rather explore, you can find all sorts of additional islands and villages. Here's a screenshot of what it would have looked like: Do you guys actually use words as seeds for worlds sometimes?
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts If anyone knows about seeds with a zombie village and a large birch forest near by. It's also got a nearby desert village and temple, as well as a couple of different Pillager Outposts!This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Found a seed while making a map. This seed was first posted by ibxtoycat for the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft. Minimalist Survival Island. We haven't found such a case yet, but knowing this would be useful, as the range that text seeds can hash to is 32-bit, orders of magnitude lower than the total number of possible seeds!Press J to jump to the feed. You can also go deeper into the desert and find yourself an additional village that has a blacksmith!This seed has a lot to offer in terms of biomes, including coral, desert, ocean, and taiga. There's a pretty interesting Mineshaft broken up between the Badlands and forest biomes that you can explore. Our Minecraft Best Seeds List features a bunch of newly found seeds to some good areas to start your next Minecraft world. This section is for Minecraft Switch seeds. You'll find some items in chests and various other things of interest. Seeds are a great way to get your adventure started in an exciting area. By default, the game grabs the current system time as the basic input for the starting values of a world and runs with that, but thankfully, seeds can be influenced and copied and pasted into Minecraft’s underlying code, allowing players to share the core worlds they play in. We've got the nice sized mushroom biome to keep out the monsters, but we've also got nearby Badlands with a mine to explore! There's a huge ravine right near spawn that has two diamond spawn locations that will set you up nicely for the rest of the game! Throughout 2020 so far, the Minecraft community has shared some crazy fun Minecraft seeds. You'll also find a pretty nice village right on the beach that has a dock and is really well designed. In the nether you'll spawn right in a huge basalt delta biome, along with a soul sand and crimson forest not too far away!I originally started checking out this seed due to the talk about tons of biomes in a short space. You'll find all of the biomes you want within a reasonable distance of each other.

So I’m super picky about my Minecraft worlds. You've got three different ruined portals scattered around some of the biomes near the spawn. There's also a shipwreck stuck in an iceberg that looks awesome.

EDIT: The biomes generate the same on all platforms. You will need to be careful because there's quite a bit of lava around, but it's obviously worth it for a quick 10 diamonds right when you start a game. We have cool seeds for every type and version of the game! There's also a nearby swamp, and a flower forest within easy walking distance. Looking for a quick game in Minecraft or just an easier time for newcomers? Seed: 306959825. The more complicated part, is that some seeds don't work for some versions of the game. Enjoy the tropical weather and the access to an abundant reef. 3366408241916580461 (1.8) As Gandhi once remarked, "To achieve true … In this seed you’ll have a ton of content to enjoy right at spawn. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts There's also a ravine that's a bit of a hike from spawn, but if you make the trip you'll be rewarded with a couple of exposed diamonds. Enjoy and let me know what you think! You'll have great views on a day to day basis, and have incentive to climb the nearby mountains to explore.This is a great seed if you want some specific diversity really close by.
If you like diversity in your biomes, you start out near a pretty big swamp and if you explore around near the the Stronghold village you will find an Ice Spikes biome!This seed features a lot of different things surrounding the spawn area that you'll be able to investigate. The main attraction is the spawn, where you start out on a huge skinny mushroom island. If that's not enough, there's some great biomes all over the area. Do you find this useful? Make your way down the natural path of the cave and you should run right into it. So it's a great safe place to build out your base.

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