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09/16 “This was not an easy decision for the festival committee to make, but at this point there is no other choice than to cancel,” in a statement released by the OTF, the organization that hosts the event. 06/26 Liebe Freunde des JFFH,am morgigen Donnerstag (27.08.2020) ab 19 Uhr gibt es für euch einen weiteren Livestream auf unserem YouTube-Channel.

06/28 Am 12. Durch die Nutzung unserer Dienste erklärst du dich mit dem Einsatz von Cookies einverstanden. Formed in 2002 they have been instrumental in receiving over $3,500,000 in grant funding for the Borough. Dies betrifft auch viele der großen Festivals in Hamburg. Ob Musikfestivals wie Dockville, Elbjazz oder Metal Dayz oder Theater-, Film- und Tanzfestivals: Hier ist immer was los. 02/22 Genauere Infos zu den einzelnen Festivals entnehmen Sie bitte den jeweiligen Artikeln. Änderungen in letzer Minute und Neuigkeiten, die ihr nicht verpassen dürft. 08/21 Due to the current situation and production-related issues, Forward Festival Hamburg has to be postponed to July 1st – 2nd 2021 – All tickets remain valid! 2020 Taste of Hamburg-er Festival in Hamburg canceled amid coronavirus concerns 08/14 The Our Town Foundation announced that the 2020 Taste of Hamburg-er Festival, scheduled to be held on Sept. 5 in downtown Hamburg, has been canceled due to safety concerns related to the coronavirus COVID-19.The Our Town Foundation announced that the 2020 Taste of Hamburg-er Festival, scheduled to be held on Sept. 5 in downtown Hamburg, has been canceled due to safety concerns related to the coronavirus COVID-19.The 2020 Taste of Hamburg-er Festival, scheduled to be held on Sept. 5 in downtown Hamburg, has been canceled, the Our Town Foundation announced on May 22.“This was not an easy decision for the festival committee to make, but at this point there is no other choice than to cancel,” in a statement released by the OTF, the organization that hosts the event.Currently Berks County is still in the “red” phase under Governor Wolf’s plan on reopening the state and it could take weeks until the county gets to the “green” phase, and even at that time gatherings are limited to a maximum capacity of 100.“With the event drawing approximately 50,000 people to the town, there is no way the current social distancing guidelines could be implemented.”“We must be concerned not only for the safety of the general public, but also our volunteers,” said Jeff Pettit, President of the Our Town Foundation.In 2019 there were approximately 225 people who volunteered their time during the event.In the announcement, OTF stated that the Committee held off as long as they could in making their final decision; however, an event of this magnitude takes months of planning, and according to Deena Kershner, Director of the Foundation, they are already behind schedule.“We have been holding off on booking the entertainment, seeking sponsors, and contracting with our advertisers, but we can’t wait any longer. Japan-Filmfest Hamburg am Sonntag, den 26. Here is everything you need to get ready for the maritime event of the year. Ein pandemiegerechtes Festival. We are really taking a hit.”Our Town Foundation also owns and operates the Hamburg Strand Theater which was forced to close on March 14, so there is no income being generated at the Theater with the exception of curbside popcorn and concession sales.The staff at both the Hamburg Strand Theater and the offices of the OTF have been laid off since the end of March.Because of the financial concerns of the organization, a Go Fund Me account has been set up in hopes of raising enough money to sustain the organization through this crises. Ok­to­ber 2020, wird ein Spa­zier­gang durch die Ham­bur­ger Stadt­vier­tel St. Pauli, Neu­stadt, Al­to­na und Stern­schanze zur Comic-Ent­deck­ungs­tour. September 2019 ein schönes und auch anspruchsvolles Programm. Dies betrifft auch viele Festivals. HINWEIS: Aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Krise sind alle Großveranstaltungen in Hamburg bis einschließlich 31. Doch Kopien und Transporte kosten viel Geld: Deshalb sind wir auf Sponsoren und Spendengelder angewiesen, um auch im nächsten Jahr wieder neue und alte Meisterwerke des japanischen Films in Hamburgs Kinosäle holen zu können.Trag Dich für unseren Newsletter ein und erfahre als erstes, welche Film- und sonstigen Neuigkeiten es beim JFFH gibt.Kaufe noch {{ 10 - items.length }} andere Filme/Slots gleichzeitig und wir geben Dir 20% Rabatt!

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