We use cookies to improve our service for you. Brück …   Heidenau has become the latest flashpoint for anti-asylum seeker violence in the eastern German state of Saxony. Miemitz was especially proud of a recent coup in which the city was able to purchase a building "die Rechte" had been using for their meetings and turn it into a multicultural youth center. My wife’s great grand parents were from Dortmund and were murdered by the nazis.

Groups like the NPD, the country's biggest neo-Nazi party, and populist groups like pro-NRW (Pro-North Rhine Westphalia) and pro-Köln (Pro-Cologne) have also been trying to infiltrate what was west Germany for decades and expand their influence from their strongholds in the former east. Her office is often frustrated by the amount of attention given to these so-called "patrols" conducted by "die Rechte." Nowadays, Dortmund has inserted its anti-Nazi campaign into nearly every crevice where "die Rechte" might take hold. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for Babble.com, Chabad.org and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.German Neo-Nazis Call on Palestinian Authority to Destroy IsraelWe use cookies and other technologies to recognize your visits and preferences, as well as to measure and analyze campaigns and traffic. Ben Knight reports from Nauen. While the NSU was committing its crime spree, the influence of right-wing extremism was largely downplayed the German authorities, who blamed the murders on the Turkish mafia. Never!” he stressed.Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/jewish-news/antisemitism-news/german-neo-nazis-call-on-palestinian-authority-to-destroy-israel/2019/10/02/Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. While far-right parties have not been as successful in other western German cities as they have in Dortmund, nearby Cologne did see a hundreds-strong Borchardt has since been replaced twice over by other members of "die Rechte," most recently by University of Bochum law student Michael Brück.City hall has introduced dozens of organizations and initiatives - from sports clubs to concerts- to prevent young people from being recruited by neo-Nazis Although they might be a relatively small group, Miemitz warns that the public should not discount their power to do harm.

Issacharoff added that his wife’s great grandparents were from the city and were murdered by the Nazis.Disgraceful to see neo-nazis openly on the streets of Dortmund just as we celebrate the Jewish New Year. Search query Search Twitter. German neo-Nazis in the western city of Dortmund on Monday called on the Palestinian Authority to annihilate the State of Israel. The group is highly active, or at least good at making it look that way. Writing the mayor via councillor Dennis Giemsch, the party demanded that the information be supplied … "They get to know your face, they do some research, they know who you are," says Huesmann, who was threatened by one of the neo-Nazis last year Since the factory work in the Ruhr valley, where Dortmund is located, has been drying up since the 1970s and 80s, neo-Nazi groups have managed to feed off some of the discontent to spread their message. To learn more about cookies, including how to disable them, view our Privacy Policy. Elizabeth Schumacher reports from Dortmund.

(24.08.2015) The symbols and actions they use may be close to the Nazi counterparts, which are banned in Germany, but they never quite cross the line. “Israel no more,” they shouted.At least 70 neo-Nazi activists were involved in the demonstration, holding flags bearing large swastikas and praising the Third Reich, according to a report published by Ynet.Israel’s Ambassador to Germany, Jeremy Issacharoff, called the demonstration a “disgrace,” particularly just as Jews were celebrating the start of the Jewish New Year. Elizabeth Schumacher reports from Dortmund. A few months later, they petitioned that same council for a list of all the city's Jewish citizens.Counter-protestors usually outnumber the neo-Nazis and the police have clamped down on the slogans 'die Rechte' are allowed to chant and what neighborhoods they can protest in On their website, "die Rechte" have made their political positions very clear - they want the local refugee homes dismantled, to stop what they call the "foreign infiltration" of Dortmund, to end the "promotion of homosexuality" and so on. Their attention-grabbing activities do not end with their social media campaigns, however. But now, local and state governments have turned extra-vigilant to the threat of neo-Nazi groups. It’s not clear why police allowed the march to go forward; Germany strictly prohibits public display of Nazi symbols, such as the Hakenkreuz swastika and the SS logo, as do a number of other European nations.However, it is also important to note that a neo-Nazi politician was unanimously elected as a local representative in central Germany just three weeks ago.Stefan Jagsch, 33, a senior figure of the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD), was elected unanimously on September 9 by all conservative, liberal and social democrat councilors in the central state of Hesse as local representative of the small Altenstadt-Waldsiedlung district.“No one else had adequate knowledge of computers or the internet,” according to one of the councilors who explained the election to local media, according to Turkey’s Anadolu Agency news website.The Social Democrat Party (SPD) secretary-general, Lars Klingbeil, heavily criticized the vote, joining calls for a new vote to remove the NPD politician from office. In June, Sascha Krolzig, the leader of Dortmund's far-right fringe party "Die Rechte" (The Right) was sentenced to 14 months in jail without parole.

While the Dortmund-based neo-Nazi group "die Rechte" or "the Right" is not Germany's largest group of right-wing extremists, they just might be the best at getting the media's attention. Miemitz, however, was firm in the position that groups like "die Rechte" have no place in the political debate, because "they are clearly hostile towards the democratic process."

Die Rechte (The Right, in German), asked Mayor Ullrich Sierau how many Jewish people lived in the Dortmund area, and where they live, according to the Daily Mail.

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