Texture Processor … If you don’t know the web address of your Moodle site, please get in touch with your administrator.Our Pro Plan is designed for medium-size organisations with a self-hosted learning site, and actively using the Mobile App capabilities.With powerful notification capabilities for up to 500 devices, the Pro app allows learners to download 4 courses for offline learning and enables organisations to customise some of the app features.Designed for large organisations such as Universities with a self-hosted learning site, and want to make the most of unlimited mobile learning.Our Premium plan enables organisations to fully customise app features, send unlimited notifications to learners and allow them to download unlimited offline content.Customise the app with your own brand identity to create a trusted and coherent learning experience. The Moodle Apps TeamI wasn't expecting much from a windows store app, but it actually works pretty well!It is not UWP. - Connect with course participants: Quickly find and contact other people in your courses. Do you like our app? Your device must meet all minimum requirements to open this productYour device should meet these requirements for the best experience

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Give us 5 stars! 0/1000 Moodle Desktop. - Submit assignments: Upload images, audio, videos and other files from your mobile device. This app doesn't load anything, just keeps stucked at the splash screen...Hi, please upgrade to the latest version and tell us if you are still experiencing this issue.

Moodle wird von ganz unterschiedlichen Institutionen und für unterschiedliche Zwecke genutzt, vor allem aber für Schulen und Universitäten. The Moodle Apps TeamI wasn't expecting much from a windows store app, but it actually works pretty well!It is not UWP.

Benutzerbewertung: 4 von 5 • Recent searches displayed in all search areas Introducing Moodle Desktop - the solution to accessing your Moodle courses on Windows desktop and surface tablets. - Submit assignments: Upload images, audio, videos and other files from your mobile device. Diese App ist total nutzlos und unübersichtlich aber seid drei tagen kann man sie noch nicht mal starten Schön übersichtlich und fließende Übergänge beim Menüwechsel, jedoch lässt sich die App von Zeit zu Zeit gar nicht mehr öffnen. Moodle Desktop is brought to you by the people behind Moodle - the world’s open source learning platform.

Thanks for reporting your concern. there is no any classic app for windows 10. - Easily access course content: View course activities and download materials for offline use. Check out our latest release: Auf alle Dateien, Peripheriegeräte, Apps und Programme und die Registrierung zugreifen Please ask your site admin to check the FAQs to make sure everything is correctly set> https://docs.moodle.org/33/en/Moodle_Mobile_FAQI got it for school, and it's working so far, but I can't login. I wasn't expecting much from a windows store app, but it actually works pretty well! • Site finder - enabling a user to easily find their Moodle site by entering the name (no need to enter the site URL) • Recent searches displayed in all search areas

Moodle site administrators can choose to sign up for a paid plan to unlock premium features.No, the app will remain the same, but depending on the plan your institution has signed up for, you may have new access to certain functionalities.If your Moodle site is hosted by a Moodle Partner, the changes will not affect you. - Track your progress: View your grades, check completion progress in courses and browse your learning plans.
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- Connect with course participants: Quickly find and contact other people in your courses. • Site finder - enabling a user to easily find their Moodle site by entering the name (no need to enter the site URL) That’s handy during commutes or when living or working in remote areas where the network might be unstable.Keep learners engaged and motivated by sending tailored messages at the right time, so they don’t miss anything and continue to progress through their learning. Get insights into how your learners use your app with personalised access to mobile engagement data.Give your learners a streamlined onboarding with direct access to your content. Once you have a Branded Moodle App, you can request a Branded version of the Desktop App - available for Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems.
168.97 MB Holen Sie sich diese App, während Sie bei Ihrem Microsoft-Konto angemeldet sind, und installieren Sie sie auf bis zu zehn Windows 10-Geräten. ThanksHi, some sites need additional configuration.

These cookies do not store any personal information.This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. User Rating: 4 out of 5

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