I feel your blog about Huntsman Spiders and now this added link to “Meet Harry the Huntsman Spider” compliment each other and certainly both your work and Harry’s story will open a lot of eyes. I found a mean 6 legged one on holidays and for fun, I gave it some cooked egg white. Despite their massive size and creepy appearance, the huntsman is pretty low risk to most humans.

eww shudderApart from one thing with that video, if it wasn’t staged, why was the camera rolling?These are good rules Julielu, it’s the kind of humane treatment we advocate here with Huntsman Spiders, finding a way of gently removing them and placing them outside.

If you leave them be, they will hunt down and kill the nasty of critters in your home, these things can take down a cockroach.I got a nasty huntsman bite today so I can verify that if threatened (I was stretching against a tree after a run and I think my hand disturbed the spider) they will bite! The night I saved Harry from my cat Kato and he jsut sat there and let me take the pictures I did of him, I fell in love with the Huntsman Spider.

But the Huntsman is very timid and way too scared of humans.So in reality, they look far more frightening than they are. They will keep running back and forth.

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Sounds like he gave you a bit of a nip, and I think it’s quite unusual for some swelling and redness to still be around after two weeks.Too right. They hunt down their prey with their speed.They are lovely spiders, not venomous, and they very rarely bite humans. I would guess there were about 200 of them. I am Glad now that its not dangerous to us much.Arthur, you are an idiot. This was how I got bitten!! Whilst there are some spiders to be wary of, the Huntsman isn’t one of them. I didn’t find that spider but did find an hour or so of amusement!Well if it was joyful time Katie, I don’t reckon it’s wasted time, everybody needs a little joy now and then We do have some great spider stories here on this website, but nothing yet from Iraq, well, you are the first. My sister who works as a nurse found an article that described my experience and this was a medical journal dealing with a huntsman bite.

Another reason is it’s too fast to catch, so we just leave it be.. well, …stay somewhere in our house since we fail to catch it and don’t know where is it running to.After that she’s not appear again until today. // Leaf Group Lifestyle As you say though, it doesn’t sound like a huntsman anymore, something else is going on here.I do hope they find a way to help you, and good luck with your second appointment coming up soon. That may be the case sometimes however larger ones can be quite painful. We stared at each other. One thing I’m pretty sure didn’t happen though, that’s you swallowing it.Whatever did get you, and it may well have been a huntsman, it sounds very unpleasant and from the few things I have read about the huntsman bite, I do know that it can be quite painful. Even if it’s not dangerous and timid to us human but it’s not gonna be nice if that spider fall or crawling on us while we sleep.

For comparison, one person bitten stated, “I have been stabbed and that hurt less than the bite.” However, the venom from these Tarantulas has been proven to be extremely toxic to dogs, and small animals. Just two different species of life in the wrong place at the wrong time.At the moment Two Winds has four hand size Huntsman Spiders and maybe a half a dozen youngsters roaming around keeping with the job Harry had applied for about four years ago. Bob at Oz posted some pictures of Harry as well as one of a baby Huntsman. I’ve seen these spiders get picked up before, very gently, by people braver the me and they have not been bitten.

But at least your experience has verified that if it does happen, it’s really not so bad.I love them!! The huntsman spider relies on speed to capture prey and injects poison into insects from the chelicerae rather than a web for trapping. A bite from a Huntsman spider on a human may cause some local swelling and a little bit of pain, but it would be gone within a day or two. The bite of the male is not generally considered to be dangerous. Huntsman spiders are found in Southern Utah, and tend to be located in warmer states across the U.S. Usually found in arid areas of shrubbery and rocks, or on the ground. So under those kinds of circumstances, yes, the Huntsman can kill (indirectly) a human.I know it’s not easy, but the trick is not to panic.

Nobody can really know for sure how many car drivers have driven into walls, other cars, trees or buildings because of one of these otherwise harmless spiders.

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